Azərbaycanda xüsusi karantin rejimi mayın 4-dək uzadıldıYeni növ koronavirus (COVID-19) infeksiyası ilə mübarizəyə və profilaktikaya yönəlmək. 2020-ci il mart ayından etibarən etibarlıdır COVID-19 xəstəliyi Ümumdünya Səhiyyə Təşkilatı tərəfindən pandemiya elan olunur. Dünyada 2 milyon 160 min 207 nəfər COVID-19 virusuna yoluxmuş, 146 min 88 nəfər və ən yaxşı şəxs qəbul edilmişdir.
APPEAL of the Committee for the Defense of Rights of Fakhraddin Abbasov(Aboszoda)On 14 February 2020, despite the fact that there was no evidence, prisoner of conscience Fakhraddin Abbasov (Aboszoda) was sentenced by the Baku Court on Grave Crimes to 16 years of imprisonment. After the pronouncement of the judgement of conviction, the Talysh scholar, journalist and public figure continued to remain in custody in a pretrial detention facility of the State Security Service of Azerbaijan. However, according to unconfirmed information, on 12 March he was transferred to Pretrial Detention Facility No. 1 in Kurdakhani (Baku). At the same time, neither the family of Fakhraddin Abbasov (Aboszoda),