CAUCASUS WARS: On the Disappearance of Talysh Scholar Fakhraddin Aboszoda
On the Disappearance of Talysh Scholar Fakhraddin AboszodaI received this appeal from my Talysh friends: On February 27, Fakhraddin Aboszoda (Abbasov), the leader of the Talysh National Movement, a well-known scholar and journalist disappeared from Remand prison-6 in Kolomna (Russia). As it turned out later, on February 28, despite the official refusal of extradition, Aboszoda was extradited to Azerbaijan, where he is regarded as objectionable politician both for the authorities and for the opposition. We believe that, this was an abduction organized by the Azerbaijani special services, with the full connivance and, probably, consent of the Russian authorities and officials. |